
We're trying to organize better our Pharo repositories with a friend, adding properly named folders for the software part (what we call Apps/) and for the documentation part (what we cal Docs/), as we feel that src/ is kinda generic for a source code repository as everything is source. Anyway, while working on such renaming we created two different repositories, with two different file formats Tonel and FileTree and he continued to work on the last one, while I recreated the repository, with our ad-hoc convention (Apps/Package) in Tonel. Now, despite we're working in the same repository, he is working in a branch that contains code exported in FileTree format, while I'm working in the Tonel one. How can we migrate all the code to a single format? Seems that Tonel is the one choose, as far as we have seen in the documentation[1].

[1] https://github.com/pharo-open-documentation/pharo-wiki/blob/master/General/ExportFormats.md

Thanks in advance,


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