Maybe I should add an example. Consider the following natural proposition:
> (A, B) beginsWith: A and: [(A, B) endsWith: B] This breaks for A := '' or B := '' ". Best, Steffen Kasper Osterbye schrieb am Dienstag, 26. April 2022 14:50:51 (+02:00): I have now raised it as an issue on the issue tracker Issue #11165 in Best, Kasper On 26 Apr 2022, at 12.11, Steffen Märcker <> wrote: I can only fully agree to Richard's explanation. Also, not having the empty string pre/suf-fixing every string breaks the free monoid that describes concatenation of strings and forms the basis of regular expressions. In effect, this will lead to subtle inconsistencies. Hence, I consider this a bug rather than a feature. Kind regards, Steffen -- Gesendet mit Vivaldi Mail. Laden Sie Vivaldi kostenlos von herunter.