Thanks! It still has some quirks :-)

BTW, it should be possible to get a javascript promise as a result from a callback to Pharo, however I always get "#ifTrue:ifFalse: was sent to nil" in VMCallbackContext64 if I actually do the callback which has a signature with a pointer as a return value, like

  signature: #(char * (const char * seq, const char * req))
  block: [ :seq :req | ... ]


  signature: #(String (const char * seq, const char * req))
  block: [ :seq :req | ... ]

I checked the FFICallback tests and there are no examples of pointer return values. Is this possible?

Best wishes,

------ Original Message ------
From: "Guillermo Polito" <>
To: "Any question about pharo is welcome" <>
Cc: "Tomaž Turk" <>
Sent: 17. 12. 2021 14:29:37
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Re: Pharo-WebView

This is amazing!!!!

I wonder how this would marry with PharoJS

El 17 dic 2021, a las 11:51, Richard O'Keefe <> escribió:

Ta muchly.  Appreciated.

On Fri, 17 Dec 2021 at 06:03, Tomaž Turk <> wrote:
Dear all,

Pharo-WebView package is now available on GitHub at

Pharo-WebView is a package which implements a binding to webview dll library available at in Pharo. Webview allows you to show HTML user interfaces in a native window, inject JavaScript code and HTML content into the window. It renders HTML originating via web requests or as a direct input.

I tested it on Windows 64 bit in Pharo 64, I plan to do that on Pharo 32 and Linux, however I don't have access to Mac, so if anybody is interested, I'd be grateful

Best wishes,

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