Hi peace.d,

I’ve had a quick look: you can inspire yourself from the class 

The class has a couple of special things:
 - it inherits from KMCategory (a keymapping framework class)
 - it defines `isGlobal` returning true on the class side (to say it defines 
global shortcuts)
 - it then has methods defining shortcuts:

        ^ KMKeymap shortcut: PharoShortcuts current openTestRunnerShortcut 
action: [ Smalltalk tools openTestRunner ]

If you want a shortcut only to be active on a particular tool/window, AND 
you’re using morphic, take a look at the methods in the Morph class related to 


> El 20 oct 2021, a las 10:53, mspg...@gmail.com escribió:
> Hello everybody,
> how would I create a keyboard shortcut for a method I have defined in my 
> class or package?
> for example if I would like to have a keyboard shortcut for a method that 
> opens the Transcript and display the “Hello I am the new shortcut” message?
> thanks for the help.
> peace.d

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