Yey! Big thank you to the core team and all the community!

On Jul 15 2021, at 11:14 am, Esteban Lorenzano <> wrote:
> Dear World and dynamic language lovers:
> The time has come for Pharo 9 ( !
> Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful 
> environment, focused on simplicity and immediate feedback.
> Here are the key features of Pharo 9:
> Full redesign of the Spec UI framework (new logic, application, style, GTK3 
> back-end)
> New tools:
> new playground,
> new object centric inspector,
> new object centric debugger.
> better and new Refactorings
> class comments are now written in Microdown format (Markdown compatible)
> classes now can be defined using a "fluid" api (Preview)
> New completion framework that adapts better to edition contexts and is 
> customizable
> Fast universal non-blocking FFI which now uses libFFI as backend.
> Pharo now supports Windows, OSX, Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, openSUSE, 
> Arch, Raspbian) and multiple architectures (Intel/ARM 32/64bits).
> Virtual Machine
> Idle VM
> Support for ARM 64bits
> Support for Apple M1
> More than 3000 tests
> Built for Ubuntu 18.04, 19.04, 20.04, 21.04, 21.10; Debian 9, 10, Testing; 
> Fedora 32, 32, 34; openSUSE 15.1, 15.2, Tumbleweed; Manjaro; Arch
> Uses SDL 2.0 as back-end by default. It supports extended event handling, 
> including trackpad support.
> General speed up due to compiler optimisations and UI simplification.
> And many, many more tests.
> These are just the more prominent highlights, but the details are just as 
> important. We have closed a massive amount of issues: around 1400 issues and 
> 2150 pull requests.
> A more extended changelog can be found at 
> While the technical improvements are significant, still the most impressive 
> fact is that the new code that got in the main Pharo 9 image was contributed 
> by more than 90 people.
> Pharo is more than code. It is an exciting project involving a great 
> community.
> We thank all the contributors to this release:
> Aaron Bieber, Ackerley Tng, Alban Benmouffek, Ale Cossio, Alexandre Bergel, 
> Alistair Grant, Allex Oliveira, Angela Chia-Ling, Arturo Zambrano, Asbathou 
> Biyalou-Sama, Ben Coman, Benoit Verhaegue, Carlo Teixeira, Carlos Lopez, 
> Carolina Hernandez, Charles A. Monteiro, Christoph Thiede, Christophe 
> Demarey, Clotilde Toullec, Cyril Ferlicot, Damien Pollet, Daniel Aparicio, 
> David Bajger, David Sánchez i Gregori, Denis Kudriashov, Ellis Harris, Eric 
> Brandwein, Eric Gade, Erik Stel, ErikOnBike, Esteban Lorenzano, Esteban 
> Villalobos, Evelyn Cusi Lopez, Evelyn Cusi Lopez, Ewan Dawson, Francis 
> Pineda, Francis Pineda, Gabriel Omar Cotelli, Geraldine Galindo, Giovanni 
> Corriga, Guille Polito, Himanshu jld, Johan Brichau, Jonathan van Alteren, 
> Jordan Montt, Julien Delplanque, Kamil Kukura, Kasper Østerbye, Kurt Kilpela, 
> Laurine Dargaud, Marco Rimoldi, Marcus Denker, Martin Dias, Martin McClure, 
> Massimo Nocentini, Max Leske, Maximilian Ignacio Willembrinck Santander, 
> Milton Mamani Torres, Moussa Saker, Myroslava Romaniuk, Nicolas Anquetil, 
> Norbert Hartl, Nour Djihan, Oleksandr Zaitsev, Pablo Sánchez Rodríguez, Pablo 
> Tesone, Pavel Krivanek, Philippe Lesueur, Pierre Misse, Rakshit P., Rob 
> Sayers, Roland Bernard, Ronie Salgado, Sean DeNigris, Sebastian Jordan 
> Montaño, Serge Stinckwich, Stephan Eggermont, Steven Costiou, Stéphane 
> Ducasse, Sven Van Caekenberghe, Thomas Dupriez, Théo Lanord, Théo Rogliano, 
> Todd Blanchard, Torsten Bergmann, Vincent Blondeau, Wéslleymberg Lisboa.
> (If you contributed with Pharo 9 development in any way and we missed your 
> name, please send us an email and we will add you).
> Enjoy!
> The Pharo Team
> Try Pharo: (
> Learn Pharo: (

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