Hello, I am working on a paper about different types of library update (also known as library migration). And I would like to know if you have any experience that I could document.
Most modern software depends on many external libraries. And when one of those libraries releases a new version, developers have to update their code according to the changes (e.g. stop using deprecated features, make use of the new functionality, replace old classes with new ones, etc.). Please let me know if you have ever updated your software to a new version of an external library. This may include Pharo libraries (for example, Spec -> Spec2, Roassal2 -> Roassal3, etc.), Java libraries (Maven, Xerces, Log4j, etc.), JavaScript, Python, or any other programming language. I would like to know how much time did it take you to update your code, what kind of changes did you have to make, what problems did you encounter, where did you look for the information on what was changed. I would be very grateful for your help! Oleksandr