Hi Sanjay,

> On 19 Apr 2021, at 18:14, Sanjay Minni <s...@planage.com> wrote:
> Hi 
> using the P3 Postgres driver
> what is the optimised way of using the following in a seaside/web
> application 
>  statement := client prepare: ...
>  statement execute:
>  statement close.
> Sven readme on the drivers page 
> "prepared statements ... need to be closed, prepared statement exist ...
> single session / connection ..."

First make sure that you give each session in your (seaside) web application 
its own connection/client to the database. P3Client is meant to be used single 
threaded, it is your responsibility to protect this. Make sure these are 
initialised and disposed of properly - use logging.

Second, I would not put time in trying to gain performance with prepared 
statements until you can prove that it makes a real, measurable difference. 
PostgreSQL is very fast. But this is IMHO.

See further.

> Typically in a desktop app I would fire the "prepare" statements(s) once
> when open the particular UI / window (say typically 2 or 3 statements in a
> UI) and then "close" when I exit
> How does this work in a multi-tabbed browser app
> lets say I open a tab with a particular UI and fire the "prepare" statement
> now what if the tab idles for too long - and then i press send/save. The
> program would have just fired the "execute ..." assuming the prepare is
> active. would the prepare / session have been automatically closed ?
> - when should i typically fire the prepare statement

Either upfront when you connect, or each time when you need them (see further). 
The scope of a prepared statement is the connection/session.

Preparing 10s of statements upfront that you might not need could increase 
connection time.

> - how should i test if the session / prepare is still active or needs to be
> refired

There is P3Client>>#preparedStatementNamed:
You best use P3Client>>#prepare:named: then.

> - how are orphan prepare statements disposed off ny the database / program

They get thrown out when the connection closes.




There is also P3ConnectionPool that can protect against concurrent access, 
prepare connections, warm up, on top of its base functionality of pooling, of 
course. But a challenge with connection pooling is what to do when errors occur.

> thanks for pointers
> Sanjay 
> -----
> cheers, 
> Sanjay
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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