Hi david

Two points:
        - I would love to have a little success story about your application
                = one paragraph what is does + one paragraph how technology is 
cool :)

        - if you need we have a native VM for M1 (the stackVM).


> On 11 Feb 2021, at 20:38, David Pennington <da...@totallyobjects.com> wrote:
> Hi there Peter
> I have been writing Smalltalk since 1990 first with Digitalk and then 
> IBM/Instantiations VAST. However, I am a newbie with Pharo having only used 
> it for the last 3 weeks so I am pleased to have got my first Seaside app 
> working successfully - it’s a home banking management app that imports from 
> Sage compatible CSV files supplied by NatWest. This is the only real 
> difficulty so I am very pleased with the work.
> I use my own brand key/value database that saves objects out to the disk. 
> With my new M1 MacBookAir, I am getting read and write values around .3 
> second for 125 records so I am very happy.
> I have yet to look at deleting the old file before writing but I am sure that 
> this will make it superb.
> Many thanks for your help in this.
> David
> TotallyObjects
> http://www.totallyobjects <http://www.totallyobjects/>.com
> Your suggestion worked perfectly - I truncate the file and it parses 
>> On 11 Feb 2021, at 17:07, <pe...@pbkresearch.co.uk 
>> <mailto:pe...@pbkresearch.co.uk>> <pe...@pbkresearch.co.uk 
>> <mailto:pe...@pbkresearch.co.uk>> wrote:
>> David
>> I think you are misreading the debugger display. The bit you are missing is 
>> the last few characters in the evaluation display, after the closing 
>> parenthesis. They should not be there if it is displaying a dictionary. 
>> Evidently the variable 'aDict' is in fact an association whose key is the 
>> dictionary and whose value is nil. 
>> I can't see where it goes from there, but I think you need to look more 
>> closely at the preceding line, FAOEntry>>getEntryObjectFrom:,  and see what 
>> exactly it does with the junk in your .dat file.
>> HTH
>> Peter Kenny
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Pennington <da...@totallyobjects.com 
>> <mailto:da...@totallyobjects.com>> 
>> Sent: 11 February 2021 16:46
>> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org 
>> <mailto:pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>>
>> Subject: [Pharo-users] Re: Problem with Dictionary and Associations
>> Thank you for that but it doesn’t resolve my problem. Why does the stack 
>> move to an Association when doing the access to the dictionary? It is the 
>> Association indexing that fails as it won’t allow #entryAmount as a key.
>> If I inspect the following code (STON fromString: result ) in the line ^ 
>> self makeObject: (STON fromString: result ) I get an Association. Why don’t 
>> I get a Dictionary. I did two days ago when all of this was working 
>> perfectly and we were happily matching the Pharo Seaside display to our bank 
>> account :=)
>> David
>>> On 11 Feb 2021, at 16:39, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu 
>>> <mailto:s...@stfx.eu>> wrote:
>>> I can parse the file data you provided:
>>> STON fromString: 
>>> '{#entryName:''Housekeeping'',#entryDate:Date[''2021-02-25Z''],#transactionID:''2021022501'',#entryAmount:-400/1s8,#entryCategory:''Housekeeping'',#entryDescription:''Housekeeping'',#match:nil}ousekeeping'',#match:nil}'
>>> "a Dictionary(#entryAmount->-400.00000000s8 #entryCategory->'Housekeeping' 
>>> #entryDate->25 February 2021 #entryDescription->'Housekeeping' 
>>> #entryName->'Housekeeping' #match->nil #transactionID->'2021022501' )"
>>> (BTW, this is STON not JSON).
>>> What I do see in the input is junk after the last }
>>> That can happen when you overwrite an existing file with shorter content. 
>>> You should truncate such a file.
>>> From your screenshot I can see nothing wrong, #entryAmount seems an 
>>> existing key in aDict, that should just work.
>>>> On 11 Feb 2021, at 16:33, David Pennington <da...@totallyobjects.com 
>>>> <mailto:da...@totallyobjects.com>> wrote:
>>>> I attach a couple of screen shots and a file containing the item that I am 
>>>> trying to open. What else can I supply? This has been working for a couple 
>>>> of weeks and suddenly doesn’t work. I save the JSON and then load it back 
>>>> again. I enclose a file with the JSON as contents. As you can see from the 
>>>> screenshot, the debugger shows it as a dictionary but the execution path 
>>>> takes it to an Association which is what I don’t understand.
>>>> <stack.rtf><20210225 01><screenshot.png>
>>>>> On 10 Feb 2021, at 19:17, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu 
>>>>> <mailto:s...@stfx.eu>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>> On 10 Feb 2021, at 19:18, da...@totallyobjects.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:da...@totallyobjects.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I am using STON to objects out to disk. Up to two days ago, I was 
>>>>>> reading them in as Dictionaries and converting to objects from there. 
>>>>>> All of a sudden yesterday morning, I got an error saying that the 
>>>>>> association is only indexable with integers. Even so, I don't seem to be 
>>>>>> able to access the contents. 
>>>>>> Fistly, any ideas why this has changed and secondly, any ideas how to 
>>>>>> fix it? 
>>>>>> David
>>>>>> Totally Objects
>>>>>> Sent from my Huawei tablet
>>>>> I am afraid I need more information.
>>>>> Could you create a reproducible case ?
>>>>> Do you have a stack trace ?
>>>>> In any case, STON is a text format, that can be edited (in most cases, 
>>>>> shared or circular references being hard to edit by hand).
>>>>> Sven

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