Hi Guys In my opinion it is really uncomfortable working without the timestamp of a specific version of a method, I read the explanation of Esteban in the previous thread (http://forum.world.st/pharo-8-method-versions-how-to-see-author-timestamp-td5116685.html) but probably it will take some time before to see a new VersionBrowser and the history based on git is not really a solution to me. So it took a day of debugging but I discovered the flow of "versions" in Pharo 8 and I added the logic of the timestamp and the author of a method.
Basically I created a subclass of MessageList I named it VersionMessageList, in this way the original MessageList is preserved for other goals I can safely ignore. Now 1) You can file-in VersionMessageList.st (see below) and 2) You have to change VersionBrowser >> initializePresenters using VersionMessageList this way: VersionBrowser >> initializePresenters messageList := self instantiate: VersionMessageList . .... Be careful, it's a hack and it's working on Pharo8, I don't know if it works on Pharo9 Cheers Davide VersionMessageList.st <http://forum.world.st/file/t77843/VersionMessageList.st> -- Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html