Op 21-12-2020 om 13:56 schreef Russ Whaley:
I had a lot of fun putting my bowling game together back when you
first brought this up.
I have a Bowling (Game) class, a Frame class, aThrow class and a
Score(ing) class. I made the Throws a class that I put in an
OrderedCollection - but instVars would work as well... the rest of
your game should be oblivious to your 'underpinnings' anyway.
The Bowling class controls the game and cycles through 10 frames,
which I create then house in an OrderedCollection at the start of the
game. Frame has a subclass called Frame10 that is instantiated for
the 10th frame of the game.
Bowling processes each Frame, starting at 1, from the collection, and
does a runFrame (or whatever action name you want). A Frame consists
of throws, 1, 2, or 3 - depending on the frame and the result of the
first throw.
That is also the way I can work.
But I do not see how I can convert the given collection to frames