There have been some excellent suggestions in all of this - and I also came 
across HttpView2 as well.
I am a bit spoiled for choice it seems - so will start trying out a few and 
will report back.

We may also use this topic as a follow-on conversation from the UKST talk from 
Cincom about building web applications, if people have time afterwards.

Thanks again everyone.


On Tue, 29 Sep 2020, at 1:03 PM, Esteban Maringolo wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> Nice work, the "Eleven" framework goes in the direction of what I was 
> experimenting with for Seaside, but instead of trying to introduce that in 
> Seaside without breaking everything else (as I failed to some extent) you 
> went directly to replace and redo most of the stuff there (some with 
> simplifications). 
> It's nice to see that you have ideas like OneTimeCallback and a FormHandler 
> in it, because I had something similar going on.
> I didn't understand why you have a CSRF list of tokens in the Session.
> Thinking of Seaside, I think this would be something nice to introduce in 
> Seaside 4.0 :-)
> Regards!
> El mar., 29 de septiembre de 2020 05:38, Jan Blizničenko 
> <> escribió:
>> Hello,
>> I am using for one of my projects.
>> It is also a full framework, yet much simplier than Seaside and stateless
>> and I believe only the HTML building functionality can be used indpendently.
>> Example:
>> htmlObject := HtmlBody
>>                 with:
>>                         (HtmlDiv
>>                                 class: 'content'
>>                                 with:
>>                                         (HtmlAnchor new
>>                                                 href: '';
>>                                                 targetBlank;
>>                                                 with: 'Pharo website';
>>                                                 yourself)).
>> String streamContents: [:stream | htmlObject renderFor: nil on: stream]
>> The nil I am passing in the last line is there in place of an ELRequest
>> entity and is not needed for simple HTML tags without custom components. You
>> might check it out. Be aware that my former colleague created it for our
>> specific project and I have never used it in any other place, so I just HOPE
>> it would work like I imagine. It is also not documented or tested at all.
>> Best regards,
>> Jan
>> Tim Mackinnon wrote
>> > Hi - has anyone ever managed to extract the html builder out of seaside -
>> > or written something equivalent?
>> > 
>> > I often find I want to build some HTML, but don’t want the full seaside -
>> > and was wondering if anyone has managed to extract it, or have something
>> > similar?
>> > 
>> > This combined with Renoir from BA-ST would give a good little light weight
>> > web potential to run with Zinc.
>> > 
>> > Tim
>> --
>> Sent from:

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