I have this code :
| url url2 json json2 artObjectJson levelsJson|
url := 'https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/api/nl/collection/' , objectNumber
, '?key=14OGzuak&format=json'.
url2 := 'https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/api/nl/collection/'
, objectNumber , '/tiles?key=14OGzuak'.
"Read the data from the api respons"
json := NeoJSONReader fromString: (ZnEasy get: url) contents.
artObjectJson := json at: #artObject.
painter := ((artObjectJson at: #principalMakers) at: 1) at: #name.
title := artObjectJson at: #title.
"Read the imageUrl from the api respons"
json2 := NeoJSONObject fromString: (ZnEasy get:
contents utf8Decoded.
levelsJson := (json2 at: #levels).
imageUrl := levelsJson at: 1.
but now I see that somethimes ZnEasy get: url gives a document of zero
Now can I put the rest in a big ifFalse block or make another function
for it or is there a better more smalltalk way of dealing with this