I can try this but im afraid the test which test a particular error il fail.
The error messages are given.
And I miss you. yes, SequenceableCollection has with do:
but should I add the with count to it ?
Op 15-9-2020 om 15:23 schreef Richard O'Keefe:
I can try this but im afraid the test which test a particular error il fail.
The error messages are given.
And I miss you. yes, SequenceableCollection has with do:
but should I add the with count to it ?
Op 15-9-2020 om 15:23 schreef Richard O'Keefe:
SequenceableCollection has with:do:.Addwith: other count: testBlock|r|r := 0.self with: other do: [:x :y |(testBlock value: x value: y) ifTrue: [r := r + 1]].^r
I have this in my library anyway. Now
distanceStrand1: a strand2: b^a with: b count: [:x :y | x ~= y]
#with:do: already checks that the sequences have the same size;it's too confusing if the error reported in this case is differentfrom the error for #with:do:.
On Tue, 15 Sep 2020 at 16:59, Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> wrote:
Op 14-9-2020 om 22:19 schreef Hernán Morales Durand:
^ (1 to: self size) count: [ : i | (self at: i) ~= (aString at: i) ]
With that code I get a few problems but this is working
distanceStrand1: aString strand2: aString2
aString size == aString2 size
ifFalse: [ DomainError signal: (self messageFor: aString strand2: aString2) ].
^ (1 to: aString size)
count: [ :i | (aString2 at: i) ~= (aString at: i) ]