I mean that with SmalltalkEmulator, the Smalltalk interpreter
written in Smalltalk, one can execute an image looking at
classes, methods and maybe executing code at will.
And the only practical form of protection I see in Squeak/Pharo
is to obfuscate code.
Maybe I'm wrong.
Davide Grandi
On 06/09/2020 22:27, Esteban Maringolo wrote:
On Sun, Sep 6, 2020 at 12:52 PM Davide Grandi <davide.gra...@email.it> wrote:
Does "competition" has SmalltalkEmulator ?
A Smalltalk-written VM will defeat any simple obfuscation scheme.
Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean.
Best regards,
Ing. Davide Grandi
email : davide.gra...@email.it
mobile : +39 339 7468 778
linkedin : http://linkedin.com/in/davidegrandi