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Op 1-9-2020 om 21:40 schreef Roelof Wobben:
Op 1-9-2020 om 21:11 schreef Richard Sargent:
You will discover an error when you write your tests, but that's fine. It's why you write tests. :-)

#validateTime:minute: is a poor name choice for a few reasons.
- there is no validation going on. Validation would report an error for invalid data.
- there is nothing to suggest what the first argument is, the counterpart to "minute:".
- it doesn't suggest there will be a new Time ("Clock") created.
- it's a "verb phrase" saying it will *do* something rather than answer something (I'm being vague here. Sorry.)

I suggest #normalizedForHour:minute:.
It explains that it will normalize the values and that it will answer a normalized result (it still isn't great, as it doesn't explain what).
Perhaps better would be #newNormalizedForHour:minute:.


I think I found the error

and solved it

hour: anInteger minute: anInteger2
    ^ self new
        hour: (anInteger2 // 60 + anInteger) % 24;
        minute: anInteger2 % 60;

instance side :

printOn: aStream
    ^ aStream
        nextPutAll: self hour asTwoCharacterString;
        nextPut: $:;
        nextPutAll: self minute asTwoCharacterString

and the tests are green

now time to sleep and tomorrow time to figure out how to add and substract minutes.
As I remember it right you gave already the answer to me somewhere in our conversation


Making it a class method makes things very difficult

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