--- Begin Message ---Hello,I have this challenge from exercism : https://github.com/exercism/pharo-smalltalk/tree/master/exercises/clockand this function is given : hour: anInteger minute: anInteger2 self shouldBeImplementedSchould I make it on this class method work that the minutes will not exceed the 59 minutes So when for example when 70 min are given so hour:0 minute:70 it will be converted to hour: 1 minutes: 10or can I better do this on the instance side. Regards, Roelof
--- End Message ---
[Pharo-users] mentoring continued I hope
Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users Sun, 30 Aug 2020 22:04:37 -0700
- [Pharo-users] mentoring continued I hope Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users
- Re: [Pharo-users] mentoring continued I... Richard Sargent
- Re: [Pharo-users] mentoring continu... Richard O'Keefe
- Re: [Pharo-users] mentoring continued I... Richard O'Keefe