
Thanks for this advocacy and best of lucks.



On 28/08/20 5:27 p. m., tbrunz wrote:
> Hi Konrad,
> I'm the person at JPL who (somehow) got "The Powers That Be" here to agree
> to join the Consortium.
> I'm also the major champion of Pharo at JPL, and am leading an effort to get
> Pharo introduced & infused at JPL.
> I see the initial "market" for Pharo here to be:
> * Scientific & engineering data analysis & visualization,
> * Modeling and simulation, 
> * Internal web servers,
> * Custom ground support & test systems, 
> * Small-to-medium sized scripting to "support applications".
> I'm sure more application areas will open up as I get people to start using
> Pharo in their particular areas of expertise.
> I'm doing what I can be promoting Pharo, providing introductions & training,
> and I'm now working on demonstrations that can catch the attention of both
> engineers and managers -- to see the potential.
> Wish me luck!
> -Ted
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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