> On 20 Aug 2020, at 19:51, Esteban Maringolo <emaring...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm replying to the list as well... because the last two mails got
> replied to our personal addresses.

Oh, I did not notice that, that was not my intention.

> On Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 11:55 AM Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
>>> On 20 Aug 2020, at 15:31, Esteban Maringolo <emaring...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Sven,
>>> If a socketstream doesn't know the state of the connection, then what
>>> is the #socketIsConnected method for? In particular the
>>> #isOtherEndClosed test.
>>> ZdcAbstractSocketStream>>#socketIsConnected
>>> ^socket isConnected and: [ socket isOtherEndClosed not ]
>> I don't know what is going on inside Socket, I just stated my opinion.
> Maybe there is something to investigate here?

Is it not so that in Docker all network connections in/out/between instances 
are mediated by some management software ? I even thought it was nginx. Maybe I 
am totally wrong here.

>> With logging enabled, I can do the following:
>> $ grep P3 server-2020-08-20.log | grep CONNECT | tail -n 20
>> <snip>
>> 2020-08-20 14:43:06 [P3] 30513 DISCONNECTING 
>> psql://client-xyz:hiddenpassword@client-xyz-db:5432/client-xyz
>> 2020-08-20 14:44:06 [P3] 30516 CONNECTED 
>> psql://client-xyz:hiddenpassword@client-xyz-db:5432/client-xyz
>> 2020-08-20 14:44:06 [P3] 30516 DISCONNECTING 
>> psql://client-xyz:hiddenpassword@client-xyz-db:5432/client-xyz
>> 2020-08-20 14:44:06 [P3] 30517 CONNECTED 
>> psql://client-xyz:hiddenpassword@client-xyz-db:5432/client-xyz
>> 2020-08-20 14:44:06 [P3] 30517 DISCONNECTING 
>> psql://client-xyz:hiddenpassword@client-xyz-db:5432/client-xyz
>> The number after [P3] is the session identifier (backend process id) of that 
>> connection. You should see each one being opened and closed in pairs.
> Yes, I noticed the pid, and compared it with what I had on the
> pg_stat_activity table.


> I don't get the CONNECTED log because there is no way to set the
> logging in the P3DatabaseDriver before it creates (and connects) the
> P3Client.
> Maybe there could be a setting on P3Client class to set verbosity
> globally? Or at the P3DatabaseDriver instead.

What if you change 

P3DatabaseDriver >> connect: aLogin
        connection := self connectionClass new.
                host: aLogin host;
                port: aLogin port asInteger;
                database: aLogin databaseName;
                user: aLogin username;
                password: aLogin password.
        connection connect

by inserting

         verbose: true

before the last statement.

You could also make a subclass of P3DatabaseDriver.

> Summarizing... I'm pretty confident that P3 works correctly and also
> the PG server.
> At this point I'm factoring out what might be causing this. It's an
> issue that only happens to me in production, and I don't have a better
> instrumentation in place to debug it.
> Again, thanks for the support.
> Regards.

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