"Protect me from my friends I will deal with my ennemies."

        Pharo is Pharo. 

        The smalltalk community likes to complain but we prefer to invent the 
        For the record we are helping companies to DELIVER and we are engaging 
        any people that want to invent the future with us. 

        I have often the impression that having success is bad in this 
wonderful communauty

        Horrido can’t you spend your energy in something more productive?
        What a drag? 

        Richard O’Keefe, this is a pity because we will never learn much from 
your experience. 
        Anyway this is your choice but a strange one.  

        I would love to have a type inferencer for Pharo. 

        Sorry no time to spend more time on this. 


I did not do Pharo for ego I did it because else I would have join Lua or Python
because Squeak and VW were killing my Smalltalk flame. 
I prefer doing than talking.

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