> On 1 Aug 2020, at 01:58, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
> Well said. Yes - we should work on our refactoring tools a lot more.  As the 
> inventors of refactoring and the tools that back it, we’ve got to a place 
> where we are a bit poor in this area - it’s not fluid and easy like it should 
> be. Although - hats off to the automatic rewrite tools for migration - that 
> is very neat. But let’s rally around making the basic refactorings enjoyable 
> and easy again.

Please help us. 
> Tim 
>> On 31 Jul 2020, at 19:23, Esteban Maringolo <emaring...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I get, more often than not, a message indicating an "invalid source to
>> extract", commonly with the "End of statement list encountered"
>> explanation.
>> In comparison, I can extract the same code in Pharo 4. Is there a
>> reason why the "Extract method" refactoring is not working in Pharo 8
>> as it was in that or any other version?
>> Thanks!
>> Esteban A. Maringolo

Stéphane Ducasse
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