Hi,I'm testing pharo and I would like to know about some things I can't yet really get with documentation :
1. I was asking myself about delivries for (no pharo) end users. I don't want end user use pharo launcher and look at image to load it. I saw article about to build standalone executable but it was for website into a serveur. What about standalone application with graphical interface ?
2. What differences between each smalltalk implementations ? What about Gnu Smalltalk, Smalltalk/X, VisualWork or Pharo ? Do you know a functionnal benchmark web page ?
3. What about standard about pharo language and libraries ? It look pretty difficult to get ride with smalltalk libraries... What do you recomand to know about libaries and tools to build a graphical application with embeded database application (Like firebird or EasySQL or PostGresql) ? Do I need an Object Mapping Framework ? Do you know one open source ?
4. What about database reporting (with subreports) framework/library ? 5. What about smart forms with Database ?6. I'm programming into Linux Mint 9.3. Can I build delivry for Windows from Linux Mint ? Do I need to export/import my project into Windows in order to build Windows delivry ? Is'it possible to launch an executable from USB without no install ?
7. I would like to use events to program Graphical User Interfaces as database frontend. Do you know avanced book to explain semaphores, graphicals framework for cross delivries (Linux / Windows) ?
Thank you in advance for your responses. -- /M Patrick GELIN 78 rue du Truchay 38690 BELMONT/
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