(Overall, this error does not occur in v8 - even the latest snapshot.1140.
It did not exist in the v9 image from February - I don't know how to tell
what build it is.  But the latest Official Distribution for v9 and the
latest snapshot.840 - the following error occurs:).

This error appears to be around the transmitTo: within
SpPresenterWithModel>>connectPresenters.  I haven't been able to (yet)
trace why, but the debug message is in the 2nd 'transform:' below --
erroring saying that 'each' is nil - and doesn't understand the #method2

Here is the scenario:

(aSpTablePresenter(1) transmitTo: aSpTablePresenter(2))

transform: [ :each | ((each #method asOrderedCollection ) sorted: #title
ascending ) ].

"transmit aSpTablePresenter(2) to aSpTablePresenter(3)"
(aSpTablePresenter(2) transmitTo: aSpTablePresenter(3))

transform: [ :each | ((*each #method2* asOrderedCollection) sorted: #number
ascending )].

The UI populates just fine - when I click a row in the first
aSpTablePresenter(1) - it fills the 2nd aSpTablePresenter(2), but it looks
like the code above attempts to do the 2nd transmitTo: to populate
aSpTablePresenter(3) and is trying to do so without data from
aSpTablePresenter(2) - there could be a number of reasons for this.

Behavior-wise, I would prefer that SpTablePresenters default to a first row
selected and populate (transmitTo:) to each of their SpTablePresenters in
kind (defaulting to first row, then transmitTo: the next tablePresenter).

Through the Inspector, all three SpTablePresenters have their lists
populated - and the UI shows these lists - even after punching through

Another observable - when I click on column headers to sort, the
transmitTo:'s get called again and also error out - even the first
transmitTo:... could be one simple change will correct all these anomalies.

I will try and mock-up a simpler version to share.  Please let me know if
you have any questions or items I should specifically include.


Russ Whaley

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