Ciao Dario,

I need the same thing for PharoJS, but I don't have a solution.

Note : In PharoJS we have the HTML files that live in the same repo as Pharo 
code. But, we put them in different folders. 

It seems that Iceberg deletes non-pharo files upon commits or pulls.


> On 17 Jun 2020, at 12:00, Dario Romano Trussardi 
> <> wrote:
> Ciao,
>       it happens that i create files directly from Pharo in a git repository 
> configure with Iceberg.
>        Now it would be interesting to automate the registration of these 
> files,
>               for the next commit directly from Pharo.
>       Tips ?
>       Thanks,
>               Dario
> P.S.  known that the commit from pharo,
>               does not consider the files added ( by the shell ) to the local 
> repository 
>               with     git add …..    command.

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