Hi Cédrick,

The GitHub part is based on an open public GitHub HTTP query - which has some 
 - it does not return private repos, only public ones
 - it has a rate limit to not bring servers down

Maybe there is a way to overcome these limits via authentication, yes. But most 
of my projects are
public - so for me this was not a problem yet. And the initial idea of 
Compendium is to find public
resources available to all users - not private ones available to single ones.
If time permits I might look into this ... but not now.


Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2020 um 13:02 Uhr
Von: "Cédrick Béler" <cdric...@gmail.com>
An: "Any question about pharo is welcome" <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
Betreff: Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo Compendium

Really great tool Torsten :)
I tagged some of my repo to test. I reseted the stores because they wasn’t 
showing. It seems to load but then when querying in spotter, I got an error 
message because of non authentification.

I went in in the (iceberg) settings, checked then unchecked the default RSA 
keys directory (by the way is it a know bug or is it just me ?).
It worked after, I mean no error when querying spotter.
Still I don’t see my projects. I’ll try later but if you have an idea...
Le 12 mai 2020 à 16:35, Torsten Bergmann 
<asta...@gmx.de[mailto:asta...@gmx.de]> a écrit : 

Hi Sven,

I added spotter search now. I prefixed the github spotter entries additionally 
with the user name (owner).
This way you will be able to quickly find tagged public projects by keying in 
the project and/or username.

See attached picture for an example.

Catalog loading is possible via spotter too.

Have fun
 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 06. Mai 2020 um 14:24 Uhr
Von: "Sven Van Caekenberghe" <s...@stfx.eu[mailto:s...@stfx.eu]>
An: "Any question about pharo is welcome" 
Betreff: Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo Compendium

Great work, Torsten, works like a charm !

Since all Github projects have a README.md maybe that could be used as well, it 
will certainly contain more information.

Most projects have several keyswords as well, that could be useful to show.

Also, why not add a 'clone & metacello install baseline of' command ?

Another idea: allow spotter searching of the pharo compendium entries ?

 On 2 May 2020, at 22:34, Torsten Bergmann 
<asta...@gmx.de[mailto:asta...@gmx.de]> wrote:


time flows and Pharo-Project is improving on all ends since its inception in 
2008. As you know over time for the code project hosting we used
SqueakSource, SS3 repos and other and later switched to SmalltalkHub available 
on http://smalltalkhub.com[http://smalltalkhub.com].
Starting with Iceberg in Pharo 6 many community projects are now hosted 
elsewhere - most of them moved to GitHub. Pharo's git support allows
also for GitLab, BitBucket and other git hosting services.

I still think easy and quick accessibility to external (re)sources directly 
from the image is key - especially for new users who often get lost
among all the various things that are available. Back in 2013 I therefore 
provided a small tool called ConfigBrowser as a replacement for
MetacelloConfigurationBrowser to easily load Metacello configs directly into 

Later we improved quick loading with a primary tool called "Catalog" written by 
Esteban. Catalog is indexing every 24 hours all configs within
specific meta-repositories on SmalltalkHub (per Pharo version) like


to automatically build


and also a JSON source


The last one feeds the catalog browser and catalog spotter search within the 
Pharo image.

So Catalog helped us and especially new Pharo users to find what is available 
as external project or package. Unfortunately some package maintainers
are too lazy and do not maintain their configs over old and new Pharo versions. 
Also SmalltalkHub.com[http://SmalltalkHub.com] is now seen as legacy and will 
only be available
in a read only mode or as a browseable archive soon.

So we have to think about others steps beyond Catalog and (triggered by a 
recent discussion on Discord) I started now a simple tool that helped me
finding all GitHub projects marked with "pharo" as GitHub topic. I additionally 
also added previous catalog loading. More sources could be added
as well as some kind of custom stores/plugins. Maybe this tool could be the 
base for a future replacement of the catalog tool.

Long story short - let me introduce "Pharo Compendium":

Compendium is a new UI tool to list, browse and load Pharo artefacts from the 
web like:

- GitHub Projects
- Catalog Projects

and other

By default there are two plugin packages available for GitHub and Catalog - but 
you can implement own ones easily to connect to other sources
on the web. Compendium is available on:


It is implemented using the new Spec2 UI framework - so you need a recent Pharo 
9 image to give it a try. Just run:

  Metacello new
repository: 'github://astares/Pharo-Compendium/src';
baseline: 'Compendium';

to load the tool. Then go to "Tools" -> "Compendium Browser". Attached is a 
screenshot demoing the primary functionality.

If you want your GitHub project to be listed in the tool you simply need to add 
the topic "pharo" to the GitHub repository on the GitHub webpage.

Feel free to comment or help improving the tool by sending PR's.

T. (aka astares)



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