This is an ambiguous question.  There are at least
- Smalltalk the language
- Smalltalk the libraries
- Smalltalk the IDE
Now my own Smalltalk system does not have an IDE,
it does not support run-time modifications to the
system, and it does not (yet) have graphics.  But
I still enjoy using it and find it worth using.
The poll includes only one option that is close to
my reasons for using Smalltalk.

It's ambiguous another way.  Different Smalltalk
systems have different IDEs and different libraries.
The VisualAge IDE is different in a number of ways
from Squeak & Pharo.  So is Dolphin, but in a *good*
way.  Dolphin is easily the *prettiest* GUI/IDE around.
The libraries are different too.  The ANSI Smalltalk
standard has been around a long time, and I *still*
cannot open a file in a portable way.  So when you
ask about "Smalltalk", I have to ask "which?"
VisualAge was designed to fit into the IBM commercial
programming environment, and it does so admirably.

On Thu, 14 May 2020 at 07:43, Richard Kenneth Eng <>

> Please participate in the poll.

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