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I read the section in 2018-09-29-UPDATEDPHAROBYEXAMPLE:

"Monticello packages” just after Figure 3-27

I have a smalltalkhub account and created a repository: 
        location: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/MichaelKentBurns/FredsLunch/main'
        user: ''
        password: ‘' 

In Pharo I registered this as a new smalltalkhub repository:

And it shows up in the repository list for my package.

Then I think I’m supposed to poke ‘Save’.
It was kind of sketchy and popped up exception dialogs while I was typing my 
comment, but eventually it worked.

I was able to download the resultant .mcz file and unzip it, then change the ^M 
to newlines to get a readable source.

I’m not really happy about this process.

I would like to actually save this into my GitHub repository.
The document mentioned at the top mentions using git, but just says:

        There is a chapter in preparation on how to use Git with Pharo. Request 
it on the Pharo mailing list.

Question 1: Is there such a document?   If so, can you point me to it?

Question 2: Is there a way to fileOut a class, or a package?  

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