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Op 1-5-2020 om 02:51 schreef Richard O'Keefe:
(oddSum + evenSum) dividedBy: 10
You previously had _ isDivisibleBy: 10
which certainly works.
Squeak, Pharo, and ST/X have #isDivisibleBy:
VisualWorks. Dolphin, and GNU Smalltalk do not.
Here's the code from Number.st in ST/X.
"return true, if the receiver can be divided by the argument,
aNumber without a remainder.
Notice, that the result is only worth trusting, if the receiver
is an integer."
aNumber = 0 ifTrue: [^ false].
aNumber isInteger ifFalse: [^ false].
^ (self \\ aNumber) = 0
The comment is wrong: the question makes sense for any combination
of exact numbers.
When, as in this case, aNumber is a literal integer, all
#isDivisibleBy: really adds is overhead.
(oddSum + evenSum) \\ 10 = 0
is quite clear, and completely portable.
On Fri, 1 May 2020 at 02:16, Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> wrote:
Op 30-4-2020 om 16:06 schreef Richard O'Keefe:
This sounds very much like the Luhn test task at RosettaCode.
except that there it is described as working on the digits of an
(1) There are two approaches to traversing a sequence in reverse.
(A) Reverse the sequence, then traverse the copy forward.
aString reverse do: [:each | ...]
(B) Just traverse the sequence in reverse
aString reverseDo: [:each | ...]
My taste is for the second.
(2) There are two approaches to deleting spaces.
(A) Make a copy of the string without spaces.
x := aString reject: [:each | each = Character space].
x do: ...
(B) Ignore spaces as you go:
(i) aString do: [:each | each = Character space ifFalse: [...]]
(ii) aString select: [:each | each ~= Character space] thenDo:
[:each | ...]
Combining (1A) and (2A) you get very obvious code:
(aString reject: [:each | each = Character space]) reverse do:
[:digit } ...]
Combining (1B) and (2Bi) you get more efficient code:
aString reverseDo: [:digit |
digit = Character space ifFalse: [ ...]]
By the way, let's start by checking that the character in the string *are*
digits or spaces:
(aString allSatisfy: [:each | each isDigit or: [each = Character s[ace]])
ifFalse: [^false],
(3) There are two approaches to doubling the even digits.
(A) Make a new string that starts as a copy and change every second
digit from the right.
(B) Simply *act* as if this has been done; keep track of whether the
current digit position is even or odd and multiply by 1 or 2 as
nextIsOdd := true.
aString reverseDo: [:digit |
digit = Character space ifFalse: [
ifTrue: [oddSum := ...]
ifFalse: [evenSum := ...].
nextIsOdd := nextIsOdd not]].
I *like* code that traverses a data structure exactly once and
allocates no intermediate garbage, so I'd be making (B) choices.
For me , I use this to practice solving problems and doing the "right"
So I love it , that so many people share there way of solving it.
I can learn a lot from it
Expecially when they explain there thinking process so detailed.
I like this code also a lot.
Am I correct for testing if it is a valid string by doing this ^
(oddSum + evenSum) dividedBy: 10
so this is better
cardNumber := '8273 1232 7352 0569'.
oddSum := 0.
evenSum := 0.
nextIsOdd := false.
cardNumber reverseDo: [:character |
digit := character digitValue.
character = Character space ifFalse: [
ifFalse: [oddSum := oddSum + digit ]
ifTrue: [(digit >= 5 )
ifTrue: [evenSum := evenSum + (digit * 2) - 9 ]
ifFalse: [ evenSum := evenSum + (digit * 2) ]].
nextIsOdd := nextIsOdd not]].
^ evenSum + oddSum // 10 == 0.
where I could even make a seperate method of the ifTrue branch when the
digit is greater then 5.
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