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Op 27-4-2020 om 19:16 schreef Richard
Op 27-4-2020 om 18:28 schreef Richard Sargent:
I have to test the server which should return the
string but then in
So far I have this :
but I fail to see how I can test that the package
sending back is a
uppercase string.
I think you need to rephrase this question.
Either the String class hierarchy has a method
named something like #isUppercase or Character
does. If only Character has it, you would need to
iterate over the received string testing each
individual character.
Or is your question more about getting the
response back to the sending node?
yep, I want to test if the response back to the sending
node is the same string as the sending node is but then
all uppercased.
Assuming you have the code written that sends a request
packet to a server, then makes the server process it and
send a response packet back to the original node, the
following pseudo-code should show you one way.
| requestPacket responsePacket |
requestPacket := ...
... send the request and get a response back ...
responsePacket := self sendingNode nextReceivedPacket.
self assert: responsePacket payload isUppercase
description: 'Response should have been uppercase'.
self assert: (requestPacket payload equals:
responsePacket payload ignoreCase: true) description:
'Response is not the same string'.
Those methods probably exist in Pharo, or something very
similar. e.g. it might be #equalsIgnoreCase:.
I think I can move forward.
I have some ideas how to make this work but have to try some things.
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