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I have to make some code that convert a binary to a decimal and im not
allowed to use the convert methods that Pharo has.
So I have written this :
decimalFromBinary: aString
| result isValid |
isValid = self isValidBinary: aString.
ifTrue: [ result := 0.
aString reverse
[ :digit :index | result := result + (digit
digitValue * (2 raisedTo: index - 1)) ].
^ result ]
ifFalse: [ ^ nil ]
isValidBinary: aString
^ aString allSatisfy: [ :c | c = 0 or: [ c = 1 ] ]
but on the first method I see a message that the temp variables are read
before written.
and the second one I see a message that I use a or instead of searching
Where did I think wrong here ?
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