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Op 25-4-2020 om 20:17 schreef Roelof Wobben:
Op 25-4-2020 om 20:04 schreef tbrunz:
1. 'loopback' is a node, just like 'source' and 'destination'.  A network is a mesh of 'nodes' joined by 'links'.  Your Pharo program represents one of
those nodes: It is the 'loopback' node.

oke, so I can do : loopback := KNetworkNode new.

2. The block in the #linksTowards:do: method is the action to take on a
packet, depending on whether its destination is "you" (loopback), or
something else.

The flood algorithm is the simplest algorithm: "If the destination is not me, send the packet to everyone else (except the one who sent it to me)."

and that part I still do not see. I "fail"  to see what the block exactly is.

However, there is the possibility of loops in the network, so a slightly
better algorithm is to check "have I seen this packet before?" and if the
answer is "yes", then drop it; otherwise send it via my links. This will
prevent endless packet sending loops in your network.


Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html


Did some thinking and see how things are working if the loopback is not used :

linksTowards: anAddress do: aBlock
    "Simple flood algorithm: route via all outgoing links.
However, just loopback if the receiver node is the routing destination."

    address = anAddress
        ifTrue: [  ]
        ifFalse: [ outgoingLinks do: aBlock ]

but still I "fail"  to see what need to be done when the loopback is used with the block.


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