My image size keeps growing and growing. I've been scouring Google and mailing lists, trying to find a solution.
Observables: - Running this 'query' shows I have a whole lot instances of Objects I've created that are not "releasing". There are 65000 instances of one Object/Class, and 350,000 of another. (there are more, these are just the big hitters). (Object allSubclasses collect: [ :aClass | aClass -> aClass allInstances size]) sort: [ :a :b | a value > b value ]. - Each time I load my app/UI - which creates/loads another 5000 of one object and 25,000 of the 2nd object - my Class>>instanceCount(s) keep growing and so does my image size. - I've done: - Smalltalk garbageCollect. - Smalltalk garbageCollectMost. - 10 timesRepeat: [ Smalltalk garbageCollect]. (many, many times) Somehow, these instances I create are not 'releasing'. All of my Classes are direct subclasses of Object. Interestingly enough, all these objects sit in a single collection for the high-level model - and there are only 67 instances of that Object... here's the hierarchy: MyTunes - instance holds a Dictionary of Libraries, rootFolder and tags collection Library - instance(s) hold Dictionary of Artists & Playlists, tags collection, and MyTunes reference Artist - instances hold Dictionary of Albums, and Library reference Album - instances hold Dictionary of Tracks, and Artist reference Track - instances hold TagInfo, Album reference TagInfo - instances hold fileReference and ByteString of ID3 tag info. PlayList - instances hold Dictionary of Tracks, Library reference. Here's my start code in my app... (I don't know how to use SpApplication, SpPresenter and my model(s) together - this may be part of the problem).. start "Override this to start your app" "*** I don't know how to use SpApplicatoin, SpPresenter and my model MyTunes ***" | myTunes tmpLibrary myPres | "where do I store the model -> MyTunes?" myTunes := MyTunes new. "this is just for testing, but the actual re-load of the library takes 15-20 minutes (60,000 files!)" tmpLibrary := myTunes readLibraryFromSTONfile. myTunes addLibrary: tmpLibrary. "where do I store the presenter -> MyTunesPresenter? " myPres := MyTunesPresenter on: tmpLibrary. myPres openWithSpec. While I'd love help with my App/Pres/Model - my first goal is to stop the rapid growth of my object. Questions? Thanks! Russ Whaley (USA, Ohio) -- Russ Whaley