On Mon, 10 Feb 2020 at 08:01, horrido <horrido.hobb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Although the "smalltalk" title of the video is not ideal, that was the
> > name of the competition when it was originally going to use VisualWorks,
> > and so it carried over.
> Not only that, but if you look at jrmpc.ca, it uses the word "Smalltalk"
> all
> over the place. The sponsors include LabWare (who doesn't use Pharo),
> Simberon (who doesn't use Pharo), and TSUG (Toronto *Smalltalk* User
> Group).
> It's "Smalltalk" everywhere!

That is what it is. Can't change it.  The sponsors are being very generous.

And that's fine because Pharo is a Smalltalk.

But pushing that line here may generate further controversy around the
competition that will not help anyones cause.
There are other forums you can do that.  Here lets focus on the "Pharo"
aspects of the competition. :)

cheers -ben

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