Hi everyone!

after what we talked about the other day, I started to work with the test cases 
of Form. I don´t know if the best form for share but I load some in my Github: 
https://github.com/pablo1n7/FormTest. There are still many tests to do but it's 
a beginning.

For the other hand, I created a repository for ImageForm: 
https://github.com/pablo1n7/ImageForm (Thanks to Julien Delplanque for the 

I made tests for all the methods (do this with images is so funny :D) and load 
some examples.


El 27 de ene. de 2020 08:49 -0300, Any question about pharo is welcome 
<pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>, escribió:
> https://github.com/Cuis-Smalltalk/Numerics/blob/master/ImageProcessing.pck.st

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