--- Begin Message --- So, if I understand the seaside book well , I have to add this to the painting class :initialize | app | app := WAAdmin register: YourWAComponent asApplicationAt: 'my-app'. app addLibrary: YourLibrary; or must I use another class and if so, which class. Roelof Op 4-1-2020 om 13:32 schreef Roelof Wobben:Yes, I added it by using localhost:8080/config and then choose for the application.In the tutorial Im following that was the way the application is registered and the library.So where should I add the code you are saying to use. Here is the code I have so far: https://github.com/RoelofWobben/paintings Roelof Op 4-1-2020 om 12:58 schreef Sven Van Caekenberghe:Did you add your library to your application ? | app | app := WAAdmin register: YourWAComponent asApplicationAt: 'my-app'. app addLibrary: YourLibrary;On 4 Jan 2020, at 11:58, Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> wrote:From: Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] why is my css not found in a seaside project Date: 4 January 2020 at 11:58:46 GMT+1 To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> Yes. it is callled Roelof Op 4-1-2020 om 11:48 schreef Sven Van Caekenberghe:Try putting a breakpoint inside the #updateRoot: of your library class. Is it even called ?On 4 Jan 2020, at 11:17, Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> wrote:From: Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> Subject: why is my css not found in a seaside project Date: 4 January 2020 at 11:17:13 GMT+1 To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> Hello, I have this in my library class on the instance side : updateRoot: anHtmlRoot super updateRoot: anHtmlRoot. anHtmlRoot stylesheet url: self class / #mainCss. anHtmlRoot javascript url: self class / #mainJs and a file mainCss on the instance side filled with css and still the css is not found anyone idea why ? if needed I can put my whole code on github. Regards, Roelof
--- End Message ---
Re: [Pharo-users] why is my css not found in a seaside project
Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users Sat, 04 Jan 2020 10:43:39 -0800
- [Pharo-users] why is my css not found in a s... Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users
- Re: [Pharo-users] why is my css not fou... Sven Van Caekenberghe
- Re: [Pharo-users] why is my css not... Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users
- Re: [Pharo-users] why is my css... Sven Van Caekenberghe
- Re: [Pharo-users] why is my... Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users
- Re: [Pharo-users] why is my... Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users
- Re: [Pharo-users] why ... Sven Van Caekenberghe
- Re: [Pharo-users] ... Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users
- Re: [Pharo-users] ... Sven Van Caekenberghe
- Re: [Pharo-use... Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users
- Re: [Pharo-use... Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users
- Re: [Pharo-use... Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users
- Re: [Pharo-use... Sven Van Caekenberghe
- Re: [Pharo-users] why is my css not fou... Richard Sargent