You know, this is an area where style opinions differ a lot. What the message is suggesting you try is aString splitOn: [:each | ' -_' includes: each]
That's all. No need for anything more complicated. But there is a trade-off. Clarity vs efficiency. You should make your code clear and correct before you worry about efficiency, true. But you should not go out of your way to make it *less* efficient. The test you have is perfectly readable and is as fast as it gets. Using #includes: would make the code shorter, but not clearer, and certainly slower. You could also use aString splitOn: '[-_ ]' asRegex because #splitOn: is documented as treating strings as regular expressions. This is the briefest, the most confusing to read, and the slowest. It is also by far the most error-prone: - forget "asRegex" and you are in trouble - forget the square brackets and you are in trouble - put the hyphen-minus second instead of first and ... If only #split:indicesDo: were defined for Set. I cannot imagine why it is not. Here is a method definition that goes in the (new) 'splitting' category of Set: split: aSequenceableCollection indicesDo: aBlock "Perform an action specified as aBlock (with a start and end argument) to each of the indices of aSequenceableCollection that have been identified by taking the receiver as a splitter." | position | position := 1. aSequenceableCollection withIndexDo: [:element :idx | (self includes: element) ifTrue: [ aBlock value: position value: idx - 1. position := idx + 1 ]]. aBlock value: position value: aSequenceableCollection size With that in place you can use aString splitOn: ' -_' asSet On Sat, 28 Dec 2019 at 10:24, Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users <> wrote: > > Hello, > > > How can I get rid of the above error message with this code : > > > abbreviatePhrase: aString > | splitted | > splitted := aString > splitOn: [ :char | char = Character space or: [ char = $- or: [ char > = $_ ] ] ]. > ^ String > streamContents: [ :stream | > splitted > reject: [ :word | word isEmpty ] > thenDo: [ :word | stream nextPut: word first uppercase ] ] > > > Regards, > > Roelof >
'From Pharo7.0.2 of 15 March 2019 [Build information: Pharo-7.0.2+build.154.sha.9f17218676db0c1a0dd5d1b03226e660dbd674b6 (32 Bit)] on 28 December 2019 at 11:33:01.066244 am'! !Set methodsFor: 'splitting' stamp: 'RichardOKeefe 12/28/2019 11:29'! split: aSequenceableCollection indicesDo: aBlock "Perform an action specified as aBlock (with a start and end argument) to each of the indices of aSequenceableCollection that have been identified by taking the receiver as a splitter." | position | position := 1. aSequenceableCollection withIndexDo: [:element :idx | (self includes: element) ifTrue: [ aBlock value: position value: idx - 1. position := idx + 1 ]]. aBlock value: position value: aSequenceableCollection size! ! !Set reorganize! (#'*OpalCompiler-Core' parseOptions:) (#'*Monticello-Storing' comeFullyUpOnReload:) (#copying postCopy) (#adding add:) (#accessing like:ifAbsent: like:) (#converting asSet) (#private rehash fixCollisionsFrom: noCheckAdd: scanFor: grow withArray: noCheckNoGrowFillFrom:) (#'*Random-Core' atRandom:) (#enumerating difference: collect: intersection: do:) (#'*Reflectivity' metaLinkOptions) (#'*ston-core' stonPostReferenceResolution) (#comparing =) (#testing isHealthy occurrencesOf: includes:) (#removing remove:ifAbsent: copyWithout:) (#'*GT-InspectorExtensions-Core' gtInspectorItemsIn:) (#splitting split:indicesDo:) (#'*Fuel-Core' fuelAfterMaterialization fuelAccept: addIfNotPresent:ifPresentDo:) !