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Hello Richard,

Thanks for the feedback. I was using it because the challenge was talking about it, that yu have the use the formula a ^2  +  b ^2  =  c ^2   and the challenge was talking about the distance and not the distance squared.

I think a better name schould be then x or xCoordinate and y or Y_Coordinate.


Op 27-12-2019 om 22:48 schreef Richard O'Keefe:
Myself, I see only one issue in your code, and that is the pointless
use of sqrt.
scoreX: anInteger y: anInteger2
     | radiusSquared |
     radiusSquared := anInteger squared + anInteger2 squared.
     radiusSquared > 100
         ifTrue: [ ^ 0 ].
     radiusSquared > 25
         ifTrue: [ ^ 1 ].
     radiusSquared > 1
         ifTrue: [ ^ 5 ].
     ^ 10

Make that two issues.  The names anInteger and anInteger2.
How about
scoreHorizontal: horizontal vertical: vertical

The OO dogma about "if' that you refer to is about not using
"if" to make decisions based on TYPE.  Making decisions based
on NUMERIC RANGES is perfectly OK.

You could introduce a 'HalfOpenRangeDictionary" class
[K1,K2) -> V1
[K2,K3) -> V2
[Kn,infinity) -> Vn
But "You Ain't Gonna Need It", so don't.

On Sat, 28 Dec 2019 at 08:18, Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users
<pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> wrote:

Im trying to solve a challenge from exercism where  I have to calculate the 
points somehow gets on a very simple darts board.

I solved it like this :

scoreX: anInteger y: anInteger2
     | distance |
     distance := (anInteger squared + anInteger2 squared) sqrt.
     distance > 10
         ifTrue: [ ^ 0 ].
     distance > 5
         ifTrue: [ ^ 1 ].
     distance > 1
         ifTrue: [ ^ 5 ].
     ^ 10

but now I use three if then and I think it's ugly code.

Is there a way I can make it more the smalltalk way ?



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