Cheers I was wondering if there is somewhere all these subparts of Pharo are listed, and if it is also listed (and maintained) which ones are on their way out, and which are being updated and to what. I still find it truly baffling.
What I am looking for is a list somewhat like this: * Ring (RG), A Model to allow Calypso browser (and other tools) to access source-code outside the image using the same protocols as those inside the image. A lot of name changes from Pharo 7 to 8. * Rubric (Rub), the fundamental Text edit classes in Pharo. Used inside most of the text editing tools of Pharo. Took over after “TextMorph”. ??? Is it about to be deprecated??? * Morphic, The fundamental classes for building graphical user interfaces in Smalltalk and Pharo since Squeak. In principle on its way out, but …. I do not even know if those three lines are true!!! Is there such a list somewhere? Is it still worth the effort to dive deeper into Morph?, Will there ever be a TxText as mentioned in the class comment of RubAbstractTextArea? …??? Best, Kasper