Hello Eric,

I couldn't reproduce it on Linux, all tests pass ok.  Are you using Pharo
7? Could you post how you're installing it?
The only thing which seems "strange" are three Zn test methods overrides,
but after merging them no problems.



El sáb., 26 oct. 2019 a las 15:24, Eric Gade (<eric.g...@gmail.com>)

> Hello all,
> I'm attempting to install the OpenAPI package
> <https://github.com/zweidenker/OpenAPI> from Github via metacello and am
> experiencing an error I'm having trouble wrapping my head around.
> The package itself requires nothing exotic in terms of dependencies, and
> seems to be pulling in Zinc from correct sources in the baseline.
> The error I'm seeing is a DNU on  ZnBufferedReadWriteStream >>
> #defaultBufferSize.  This is odd because it seems to be called from
> ZnBufferedReadWriteStream >> on:
> You can find my error stack in this Github issue
> <https://github.com/zweidenker/OpenAPI/issues/19>.
> Thanks!
> --
> Eric

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