Btw. there exists an updated version of Glorp:
But the compatibility of it with SQLite was never tested

-- Pavel

so 19. 10. 2019 v 10:27 odesílatel Todd Blanchard via Pharo-users <> napsal:

> I loaded GLORP+P3 without issue.
> Trying to load SQLite3 - it also wants to load GLORP which complains of
> conflict.
> For P3 I used:
> Metacello new
>    baseline: 'P3';
>    repository: 'github://svenvc/P3';
>    load: 'glorp'.
> For SQLite:
> Metacello new
>       repository: 'github://PierceNg/glorp-sqlite3:pharo7';
>       baseline: 'GlorpSQLite';
>       load.
> but this fails with a conflict.  I suspect the conflict is it wants to
> load in glorp again.
> I would also like to have mysql driver at some point.
> Any tips for getting these to play nice together would be great.

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