for what I know  it's the way it's integrated with the underlain OS.  On
windows things are much,  much  better.

*VW emulates GUIs well, but I would not expect it to beat native*.   I
would restate it as : I would not expect native to be slower that
emulated....  :) seems the same, but not exactly...



I hope to have time to look again at Pharo one of these days. But time is
always a scarce resource :)

On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 4:17 AM Shaping <> wrote:

> Regarding native widget, on the VW side the usage on them brought
> slowness on the OSX platform. Windows platform is speedy, but OSX platform
> is slower using native widget than with emulated ones.
> So native widget alone are not always a solution.
> That’s interesting and unexpected (I don’t use OSX).  I would think that
> something is wrong with the VW native implementation or interface to it.
> VW emulates GUIs well, but I would not expect it to beat native.
> Shaping
> On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 2:08 PM Esteban Lorenzano <>
> wrote:
> On 7 Oct 2019, at 12:39, Shaping <> wrote:
> I haven't seen is the instability of the VM you mention, it has worked
> pretty well for my average use, although the UX is not straightforward.
> Yes, lots of redirection and extra steps.  Many degrees of freedom.
> Seemingly no good default “happy” path to simplify things a little before
> you start to investigate the variations/choices.
> > The other thing that keeps me planted firmly in VW is the sheer speed of
> it.
> I don't know if there are recent benchmarks, but I've felt Pharo to be
> really fast compared to VW when it comes to computing.
> I’ve don’t plenty of informal comparative testing mostly with the GUI.
>   I’ve used VW continuously for 29 years and Pharo on and off since 2006.
> (I’m really trying to port, but I keep failing to do it; getting closer).
>  VW is still noticeably quicker in GUI responsiveness, in most cases.  One
> big difference is the Pharo HTTP client, with all those wonderful
> primitives.  It’s about *twice as fast* as VW’s.  Bravo.  I meant to tell
> that to Sven recently, and forgot.
> > Pharo looks generally much better, but it’s mushy, and that’s a
> problem.  VW is not.
> Working regularly with VW or VAST when I go back to Pharo the "mushiness"
> is significantly noticeable, but if you open a Pharo 3 image (or even Pharo
> 4) you'll feel it really "snappy", but of course you'll lose all the
> improvements since then; and that's the current tradeoff.’
> Yeah, I guess all the new slick GUIs are a bit heavier.  This machine is
> just okay for speed –2.7 GHz Xeon, but VW feels okay.  Pharo tends to put
> me slowly to sleep with the tiny but noticeable lags here and there.   I’m
> very fond of GT.  Beautiful.   Not sure what to do go get the GUI quickness
> back.  Maybe you  guys are waiting for the new GUI framework(s) to firm
> up?   I tried Cuis, and was not impressed.  It’s too lean/Spartan and still
> not very fast (slower in some ways than Pharo).  I like the Pharo
> creature-comforts (who wouldn’t?).
> I never understood the reason for the incremental slowdown, it is even
> present in "modern" tools such as GTToolkit.
> Yes, it’s like a creeping disease.  Lol
> Another thing I miss enough to want to implement (or fake-out somehow) is
> Alt-tabbing as a way to get around thru your browsers. Usually I have 4 to
> 6 up at once, if I’m behaving, and as many as 20 if I’m not.   Looking
> about for the tabs at the bottom to click is not nearly as fun as
> Alt-Tabbing.  Maybe I could emulate Alt-Tab with Alt-Shift-Tab—a bit of a
> finger twister, but it might work.
> > Gestural dynamics are very quick, well under 100 ms latency, often less
> than 20 ms.
> > I’m seeing 100, 150, and 200 ms regularly in Pharo.  It’s too mushy, and
> that slows the mind.
> > Any developer understands this, whether he talks about it or not.
> This is true, below 20ms is ideal, and top-notch CLI terminals are
> benchmarking this as a selling point (using stuff like
>, Sublime, TextEdit, Notepad++
> measure sub 10ms latency.
> Indeed.
> My whole nervous system definitely feels this speed effect and starts to
> thought-glide better below these tiny latencies.  I’m sure many reading
> this have had similar experiences.  Something similar happens when you are
> fortunate enough to use a machine with extremely fast striped SSD drives,
> where *you literally don’t wait for anything*, except the bloody
> internet.  This doesn’t just change the speed at which you do the work.  It
> reorganizes your mind and skills in ways you had not anticipated because
> you can flow so much more quickly, making connections further forward and
> backward in your thought stream.  My point is that if the speed and
> low-latencies are made a priority, we can attract users just on this basis
> alone.  Even I would be working harder at improving Pharo (and complaining
> less) if everything were snappy.  I would probably just get on with doing
> the needed tasks.  Interesting how that works.  Speed:  it changes you.  It
> changes the whole game.
> > So I’m wondering when the Pharo GUI will snap as well as VW.
> Maybe with native widgets there will be a significant speedup, although I
> don't know whether the lag comes from rendering time or from something else.
> I would like to know more about the native widgets in Pharo.  Does anyone
> know when this is likely to happen?
> I know, since I’m doing it :)
> Native widgets (more like “gtk widgets”. This is technically just native
> under linux, but Gtk3 works very well both in Windows and Mac (you just has
> to ship it) will be available for development in Pharo 8.
> Now, moving the whole Pharo into it will take a bit longer, and we hope to
> be able to have a “Pharo Gtk experience” for Pharo 9 (lots of tools to
> migrate to Spec2).
> Esteban
> But VW event model is not better than Pharo's, so it might be something
> else.
> I’ve not looked into the details, but I will sometimes just repeatedly
> click on a method name and watch how long the code pane takes to render in
> VW and Pharo, and I don’t get what Pharo could be doing to make that time
> so long.  Both are indexing into the sources file or the changes file to
> get some text, and then there is the TT-font rendering, which is probably
> where the CPU cycles are going.  I should look into if further, but I’m
> sure someone reading this knows enough about the rendering path to say
> where the bottleneck is.
> Cheers,
> Shaping

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