Some of my students reported similar errors with gitlib on Windows on other projects (not PharoJS). Removing spaces from the image name helps.
Noury > On 7 Oct 2019, at 14:23, Shaping <> wrote: > > Correction length is 264. The debugger abbreviates the string with an > ellipsis. Registry entry removes the 260-character limit. Not sure why > this does not work: > > 'C:/Users/Crypto/Documents/Pharo/images/PharoJS in 7.0 > 64-bit/pharo-local/iceberg/bouraqadi/PharoJS/CordovaExamples/Counter/node_modules/cordova-ios/tests/spec/unit/fixtures/ios-config-xml/SampleApp/Images.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/Default-568h@2x~iphone.png' > size "264" > > > I’ve installed PharoLauncher on the root of C. > > I need to move the images to the root too or to my RAID. > > I’m not able to move the folder from documents to another drive with a > shorter path, without doing folder surgery. Also, I don’t see a way to save > the launcher image after I’ve tweaked the settings to point to the new > directories. Further when I specify the new directory, the specific image > folder is moved (or regenerated) but no new /image folder is created. Do the > new directory location does not reflect the old folder structure (in the user > documents folder), and requires manual work to be synced. We probably don’t > want that. Is there a more convenient and reliable way to have Launcher just > move all images and VMs to a new folder? > > > -------------- > File name or extension is too long, but length is 118, well under 260. So…. > > Failed to stat file? Is that supposed to be “start”? > > <image001.png> > > From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of > Christopher Fuhrman > Sent: Sunday, 6 October, 2019 11:34 > To: Any question about pharo is welcome <> > Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Installing PharoJS > > Hello, > > The screenshot cuts off the error, but it may be the problem with file names > that are too long in libgit2. > > It's a controversial problem in libgit2 for at least six years. > > <> > > Hitting this problem is what drove me to install WSL on Windows 10 and use > Pharo that way, effectively not using Windows 10 for Pharo. > > Other workarounds exist, including a short image name in the launcher, > putting image folders at the root level, telling Pharo to put iceberg repos > in a fixed directory closer to the root, etc. You want a way to prevent a > Pharo file path that's longer than 260 chars. > > Cheers, > > Cris > > On Sun, Oct 6, 2019, 10:52 Shaping < > <>> wrote: >> All you need to do is evaluating the following expression in a playground. >> I suggest you do it in a fresh image. >> >>> Metacello new >>> baseline: 'PharoJS'; >>> repository: 'github://bouraqadi/PharoJS'; >>> load >>> >> >> That was one of the tests mentioned. See the screenshot below. The >> problem seems Git-related: >> >> >> >> >> >> Shaping >> >> >>> On 6 Oct 2019, at 14:49, Shaping < >>> <>> wrote: >>> >>> Hi. >>> >>> Can someone explain exactly how to install the latest version of PharoJS, >>> and verify that the proedure really works? >>> >>> I've tried: >>> >>> 1) cloning the PharoJS repo in Pharo 8.0 with Iceberg, and get a Not Loaded >>> final state for the repo. >>> 2) loading into Pharo 7, 6.1, and 5 using >>> >>> Metacello new >>> baseline: 'PharoJS'; >>> repository: 'github://bouraqadi/PharoJS'; >>> load >>> >>> All tries fail with a walkback. >>> >>> 3) loading into Pharo 4.0 using >>> >>> Gofer it >>> smalltalkhubUser: 'noury' project: 'PharoJS'; >>> addPackage: #ConfigurationOfPharoJS ; >>> loadStable. >>> >>> The walkback here mentions missing dependency RBGlobalNode. >>> >>> >>> Suggestions are welcome. >>> >>> Thanks. >>> >>> >>> Shaping >>>