

I have a problem with text storage, to which I seem to have found a
solution, but it's a bit clumsy-looking. I would be grateful for
confirmation that (a) there is no neater solution, (b) I can rely on this to
work - I only know that it works in a few test cases.


I need to store a large number of text strings in a database. To avoid the
database files becoming too large, I am thinking of zipping the strings, or
at least the less frequently accessed ones. Depending on the source, some of
the strings will be instances of ByteString, some of WideString (because
they contain characters not representable in one byte). Storing a WideString
uncompressed seems to occupy 4 bytes per character, so I decided, before
thinking of compression, to store the strings utf8Encoded, which yields a
ByteArray. But zipped can only be applied to a String, not a ByteArray.


So my proposed solution is:


For compression:             myZipString := myWideString utf8Encoded
asString zipped.

For decompression:         myOutputString := myZipString unzipped
asByteArray utf8Decoded.


As I said, it works in all the cases I tried, whether WideString or not, but
the chains of transformations look clunky somehow. Can anyone see a neater
way of doing it? And can I rely on it working, especially when I am handling
foreign texts with many multi-byte characters?


Thanks in advance for any help.


Peter Kenny


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