I've found U8 for the android: http://alereimondo.no-ip.org/U8/313 .

Best wishes

On Sat, 21 Sep 2019, 13:32 Stephan Eggermont, <step...@stack.nl> wrote:

> Steve Quezadas <steve...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am going to the portland meetup this october and I noticed that one of
> > the items listed is "Smalltalk on iOS and Android" which intrigues me. Is
> > some Guilfoyle-type here writing a VM for these platforms? I was joking
> > with a friend that we should write a vm for ios using the "smalltalk blue
> > book" and it would be fun to learn how vm's work by trying to write
> > sometihng for ios. Is someone already working on this?
> Craig Latta runs Smalltalk images on the javascript vm written by Bert
> Freudenberg. Search for Caffeine
> Stephan

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