> On 19 Sep 2019, at 12:22, PBKResearch <pe...@pbkresearch.co.uk> wrote:
> I don’t think this conversation can be closed while things are in the present 
> unclear situation. The github entry at 
> https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/blob/Pharo8.0/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md 
> <https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/blob/Pharo8.0/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md> is 
> still there, and has been there since last May. The github discussion on 
> https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/pull/4637 
> <https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/pull/4637> was abruptly closed by 
> Stephane Ducasse, after some intemperate comments about Serge Stinckwich.

Yes it can be closed. 
As we will close ANY thread/issue/PR that directly insults one of the members 
of the community. 
Even more important: We can close it if thread has been highjacked by someone 
that has no name, no repositories, not anything that makes you think is a real 
member of the community or just a troll.

Members can do things right or wrong, as they are human beings. But emitting 
opinions in the way they were emitted about what they did is a no-go. 

So yes, you can discuss anything you want. 
But I personally will moderate any thread that does not discusses things in a 
civilised way.

So you have been warned :)


PS: I will also remember you that the purpose of this community is to make 
Pharo a great development environment. 
And we are all here because we all pursue that.
 We create a software that is open source and wants to have some social value 

> This is therefore the only place questions can be asked.
> We now know that Serge posted the Code without prior discussion with the 
> board. Did he have authority to do this on behalf of the Pharo community? 
> Does the fact that he did so mean it is officially adopted by the community – 
> not just for this mailing list, but for all Pharo activities? If Serge did 
> not have authority, shouldn’t it just be removed, at least until the board 
> have discussed it?
> The PR mentioned above was a proposal by James Foster that, if we need a code 
> of conduct, it should be the ACM code. The PR has now been closed. Does that 
> mean that James’s proposal has been rejected? If so, why?
> If the conversation is closed now, that means that we are tacitly accepting 
> that the code is there and in force, and also tacitly accepting how it got 
> there. What is necessary is for the board collectively, or someone 
> representing the board, to tell us what the situation is and what is going to 
> happen next – preferably with justifications.
> Peter Kenny 
> From: Pharo-users <pharo-users-boun...@lists.pharo.org 
> <mailto:pharo-users-boun...@lists.pharo.org>> On Behalf Of Steve Quezadas
> Sent: 19 September 2019 03:35
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org 
> <mailto:pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>>
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] R: Code of Conduct
> Yeah, I agree. Why is this even here? The thing I like about this maillist is 
> that its very community oriented and everyone here helps each other. It's 
> devoid of all the political-soapbox nonsense that I would find on, say, 
> facebook. Which is why I don't deal with that platform anymore. 
> And most of this is common sense anyway. Yeah, don't harass people and make 
> fun of them or whatever, Like most people on this list doesn't already know 
> that. Im very vocal about certain political and social opinions, am not 
> ashamed about my opinions, am open about it, is currently "unpopular" but 
> don't discuss them here because it's offtopic and I don't want to piss off 
> people in any event. I don't want it turning into another facebook basically. 
> I think we should all close this conversation, it's offtopic and not relevant 
> to any problems this list has in any meaningful  way. 
> - Steve
> On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 1:07 PM Kasper Østerbye <kasper.oster...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:kasper.oster...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> When I read the Code of conduct which is part of Pharo, my reaction was "OK, 
>> I don't expect to run into trouble over that one, so no worries".  
>> After having read the discussion here I would rather it was not there.
>> -- Kasper 

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