Hi Tim & Pharo Exercism contributors!I had a chance to come back to my exercism challenges and tried to create new image for continuing on solutions. I've tried to load manually previously submitted/completed exercises into fresh image (with Exercism loaded) and found few issues. Here is my list: */Batch loading/* 1) It would be great to have menu item to "Batch load already submitted exercises", so I should create issue on Github for this enhancement, right?
*/Renamed exercises/* 2) I faced few challenges when loading my already posted exercises and one of them was renamed package and class. My old solution was in different package and class was named differently too, so I had to rename class with solution to new name, so the tests would be green again. I had to move class to new package as well. Examples are: ResistorColorDuo(new class name) <-> ResistorColors (old)MatchingBrackets(new class name) <-> BracketPush(old)Is there a way, to have some migration mechanism as part of loading the exercise into image, which would rename class (and package) automatically and resubmit solution again? */Loading subclasses with missing references to superclass/* 3) Some of my solutions are using more classes and sub-classes, for some reason loading such exercise failed, because it tried to load subclass first without having superclass loaded. So workaround for this was to create superclass as stub manually and load exercise again. I had to move classes to correct package, but somehow I struggle to understand what is really right package name (screenshots below). <http://forum.world.st/file/t371519/2019-08-29_10_48_51-Clipboard.png> <http://forum.world.st/file/t371519/2019-08-29_bowling_error_class_missing.png> <http://forum.world.st/file/t371519/2019-08-30_package_exercism_or_exercise.png> */Exercises in independent packages /* 4) Old way of organizing Exercism exercises was using package extension of package Exercism, which I found a bit more well-arranged than using package for each exercise. Is there a reason for having each exercise in standalone package? I guess there is a good reason for that. <http://forum.world.st/file/t371519/2019-08-30_package_extensions.png> <http://forum.world.st/file/t371519/2019-08-30-exercism-packages.png> *Thanks for your insights!* David ----- David Bajger -- Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html