
I try now to make this challege work on Pharo which is orginal a c# problem to practice OOP.

The challenge is this :

Consider the following situation:
You have a bank account. Bank account has a password which is hidden and you can access data within bank 
account only by providing the right credentials.
Bank acount has a whole bunch of transaction history. 
Transaction is basically a record with name, description, amount (either positive or negative) 
and specific account linked to it (your bank accounts can have multiple accounts for money). 

You need to: ask each user for credentials and output how much money do they have in each bank account.

Classes: Customer, Transaction, BankAccount.

So far I have this : https://github.com/rwobben/bankaccount

but when I do this on playground:

customer := Customer new. 
bankAccount := Bankaccounts new.
bankAccount password: 'secret'.
customer AddBankAccountToCustomer: bankAccount.

transaction = Transactions new. 
bankAccount addToBankAccount:  transaction.


and I inspect the customer I do not see the transaction addded to the bankaccounts collection. 

What do I do wrong ? 


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