The ANSI Smalltalk standard is characteristically vague here.
Both the memmove and memcpy readings are consistent with it.
The standard is characteristically buggy here too: the two
lines I've flagged with ** disagree.  I take the second one
to be correct. Message:

  replaceFrom: start to: stop with: replacementElements startingAt:


  Replace the elements of the receiver between positions start and stop
  with the elements of replacementElements, in their original order,
starting at
  position replacementStart.  Answer the receiver.

Definition: "for" <sequencedCollection>

  The element at position replacementStart in replacementElements is stored
  in the receiver at position start; the element at replacementStart + 1 is
  stored at position start + 1; etc.
  Any previously stored elements at these positions in the receiver are
**If the size of replacementElements is not equal to
  the result of sending this message is unspecified.


  If start < 1 or start > the receiver’s size.
  If stop < 1 or stop > the receiver’s size.
  If replacementStart < 1 or replacementStart > replacementElements size.
**If replacementElements size - replacementStart + 1 < stop - start + 1.

For what it's worth, GNU Smalltalk answers #(1 2 3 1 2 3 4 8), as does my
Smalltalk library.  So does VisualWorks.  It's a primitive in VW, so I
can't see what the code does, but the comment is tolerably clear:
"No range checks are performed, but  overlapping replacements are handled
VisualAge Smalltalk gives the memmove answer too.  The Dolphin sources say
"Overlapping moves are correctly handled."  ST/X makes a special check for
receiver and source being the same object and conditionally calls memmove to
do the transfer.  Strongtalk doesn't check for receiver == source but does
check for repStart < start, so also belongs to the memmove group.

So Squeak/Pharo stand out as different here.
susie-0.3 and syx-0.1.7 and panda all do the memcpy() thing too,
but they don't count as finished.

On Fri, 9 Aug 2019 at 05:31, James Foster <> wrote:

> After many hours of debugging I’ve finally discovered that Pharo’s
> implementation of #replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt: does not make any check
> for overlapping regions to avoid destructive operations.
> | bytes |
> bytes := #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) copy.
> bytes replaceFrom: 4 to: 7 with: bytes startingAt: 1.
> bytes
>  "#(1 2 3 1 2 3 1 8) in Pharo"
>  "#(1 2 3 1 2 3 4 8) in GemStone”
> Essentially, Pharo has taken a memcpy() approach rather than a memmove()
> approach (
> While it isn’t the implementation I would choose, at least now I know!
> James Foster

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