On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 4:16 PM BrunoBB <smallt...@adinet.com.uy> wrote:

> /Yes. And I think it's even more sad than the containers example doesn't
> work
> anymore... AFAIK they replaced the system. /
> How accurate is this ?

OOCL advanced their system to IRIS-4 (Oracle based) and was eventually
bought by COSCO, a mainland China shipping company. COSCO is currently
running IRIS-2.

> From:
> https://www.oocl.com/eng/aboutoocl/companyprofile/informationtechnology/Pages/default.aspx
> OOCL's  Integrated Regional Information System, known as IRIS-2, was
> launched in 1999. IRIS-2 became more than just a software; it helped
> facilitate a new company culture. * IRIS-2 has changed the way we think and
> the way we do business.*
> regards,
> bruno
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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