Comment 1. You probably meant to write tracks: aCollection ^tracks := aCollection
Comment 2. This is a poor design. As it is, any object can replace the tracks of an artist with *anything*. And even without doing that, any object can add and remove items to an artist's tracks, even if the added items are not Tracks. There are a number of OO design principles, notably the Law of Demeter and of course the GRASP patterns, which basically say "never mutate another object's parts, ask IT to do the mutation." I have come to regard the self-encapsulation "pattern" as an anti-pattern. This is Smalltalk heresy, admittedly, but it doesn't so much break (real) encapsulation as set it on fire, defenestrate it, and urinate on the smouldering remains. So this is the way I'd do it. Object subclass: #Artist instanceVariableNames: 'tracks' methods for: 'initialising' initialize tracks := OrderedCollection new. ^self methods for: 'checking' invariant ^(tracks isMemberOf: OrderedCollection) and: [ tracks allSatisfy: [:each | each isKindOf: Track]] methods for: 'accessing tracks' addTrack: aTrack. tracks add: aTrack. ^track tracksDo: doBlock tracks do: doBlock with no way for outside code to accesss 'tracks' directly. On Thu, 25 Jul 2019 at 02:47, sergio ruiz <> wrote: > I'm implementing an instance variable as an OrderedCollection, and am > doing something idiotic. > > I have an Artist class. > > An Artist can have many tracks: > > tracks > ^ tracks ifNil: [ self tracks: OrderedCollection new ] > > tracks: anObject > tracks := anObject > > Doing something like: > > a := Artist new. > t := Track new. > a tracks add: t > > Gives me the error: > > Artist(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #add: > > Once I get past that error, which will evaluate `a tracks`, I can run this. > > I get why it works the second time, but I don't get why it thinks the > instance of Artist is the receiver of add: on the first run. > > Thanks! > ---- > peace, > sergio > photographer, journalist, visionary > > Public Key: > #BitMessage BM-NBaswViL21xqgg9STRJjaJaUoyiNe2dV > > > > >