If you have any thoughts on direction, I could take a look - I did the “dirty” 
and reimplemented the methods like everyone else… but it really felt like I 
shouldn’t have had to…

So my code looked a bit like this (where I should have used some sort of 
visitor with my stream instantiated, or maybe I could pass through some block,  
I think)

(exercise solutionClasses asSortedCollection: [ :a :b | a name <= b name ]) do: 
[ :class |
                                        (exercise exercisePackage extendsClass: 
                                                ifTrue: [ 
exPrintOutExtensionsFor: exercise exercisePackage on: s ] 
                                                ifFalse: [ 
                                                        class exPrintOutOn: s ] 
] ].

And then in ClassDescription I had methods like this (noticed I need to visit 
the definition, the comments, the categories for class and instance etc.:

exPrintOutOn: aWriteStream
        "Print a description of the receiver on aWriteStream."

                nextPutAll: '"-- #', self name, ' (class) --"'; cr; cr;
                nextPutAll: self definition; 
                nextPut: $.; cr; cr.
        self hasComment ifTrue: [ 
                aWriteStream nextPut: $".
                self comment trimBoth encodeDoublingDoubleQuotesOn: 
                aWriteStream nextPut: $"; cr; cr ].
        self exPrintOutCategoriesFor: self class on: aWriteStream.
        self exPrintOutCategoriesFor: self on: aWriteStream 

> On 13 Jun 2019, at 08:26, Marcus Denker <marcus.den...@inria.fr> wrote:
>> On 19 May 2019, at 19:23, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
>> Hi - is there  a way to iterate over all the code in a package (or class or 
>> baseline) in a generic way (to pretty print out class definitions, and 
>> methods - including extensions ).
>> I was kind of hoping that with TonelWriter and Fileout and Critics that we 
>> would have a generic visitor mechanism but it seems that all of them just 
>> implemented it again - which misses a big opportunity for refactoring so 
>> that when you want to reason/print/manipulate code - it would be more 
>> straight forward.
>> Is there anything/anyone addressing this ? Or maybe I’ve missed an obvious 
>> trick somewhere? 
> I think we always wanted to add some default “visitor” style way of  iterate 
> over the structure…
> I will add this higher on my priorities, because it actually should be quite 
> simple.
>       Marcus

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